Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We had to say . . .

November is here and cranking and we are blessed to have another team with us. Yet, even though we are glad to have our returning friends from California, we are sad to have had to say goodbye to one of our faithful long-term volunteers -- Jesse Washkau. In all truthfulness, sad only captures a bit of what we are feeling. . . We are filled with those bitter-sweet emotions of sadness and joy, which seem to kiss each other at every moment. Sad that a great team member and friend has had to leave us for the North -- Atlanta, Georgia -- and yet, excited for what the Lord has in store for him in Atlanta and beyond.

It has been a true blessing to have had such great volunteers work with us in the Bayou. Yet, our true long-termer's Jesse and Jordan were a God-sent to Charles, Danielle, and I. As Jordan has found a new home in Mobile, AL and Jesse has been making his new home in Atlanta, GA for the past week we know that God has HUGE things in store for them both as they continue to seek His face.Thanks Guys!

As October was a busy month filled with teams that came through to help us in the rebuilding efforts even a year after Hurricane Katrina, so was our time spent getting ready for Jesse's departure. However, with the arrival of the new team this week, I have already encountered how vital Jesse was not only to the work but to my sanity as well.

Finally, thank you Jesse. Thanks for allowing the Lord to use you in so many ways not only in the Bayou/Grand Bay area but also with us at the Lighthouse Church of the Nazarene. We will miss you, and already do, but we know that you are following the Lord as He leads you on this great journey we call the life of grace, mystery, and adventure!

Peace be with you and keep us in your prayers as we continue to labor down here in LA (Lower Alabama).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I truely enjoyed my time in the bayou... it really left a lasting impact on my own life. I miss being there a lot... God worked through me in a lot of ways, just not by what i saw and what I did but he answered prayers that I had been waiting on answering to. He is awesome... You really have an awesome ministry down there... May God continue to bless you and Danielle and I am sure God will provide more help than you know in timing!
- TNU student Fall Break 06~helped change me and open my eyes to what his kingdom holds! -