Wednesday, August 02, 2006

We had to say farewell . . .

Farewell to our dear brothers!

The summer is quickly coming to a close and as is evident in most "short-term" missions, there are those who come and most obviously, for a "short" time! However, no matter the length of physical stay at a place, some folks make an unforgetable impact-- for better or worse, right?! Well, since the beginning of the summer there has been over 30 teams who have come and gone and throughout, there were some who had the opportunity to come and serve for a bit more than a week. And then the time came to say goodbye to some of these great people.

This past week, a couple of our "short-long termer's" had to pack their bags and head out. Yet, they did leave us with unforgetable memories, never-ending stories, and of course sweat drops of labor all over the Bayou area. It is here that I (Tim Whetstone their former team leader) would like to take say a Big Thank You to Marcus Winn, Keith Farrow, and Jeff Jordan. Thanks fellas for coming down this past summer. You were all terrific, and I know that God has big things in store for the each of you both in your never-ending de-briefing of this past experience, but in the goals and dreams that you are seeking to reach. Grace and peace be with you on your journies, and thanks for allowing your paths to cross ours here in the Deep South!

So, in this beautiful life of mystery we shall sign off with a few words and phrases to chew on:

Go ahead and chunk that thing! (Yes, "chunk" not "chuck"!)
Go ahead and swoop your card through the machine. (Yes, "swoop" not "swipe"!)
Did you just tump over your coffee? (Translation: knock over)
We will be out of pocket for about two weeks in August! (Translation: Out of town)

Until next time, thanks again to ALL our volunteers, and we catch ya on the Bayou flip side!

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