Monday, June 26, 2006

Work, Work, Work

In the Bayou this past week of June 18 were teams from Gardendale, AL, Portage, IN, and Othello, WA. They worked very hard despite the hot conditions. All of the sheetrock in Sandra Bryant's home has been hung and taped, thanks to the hard work of Kurt's crew! Mark Snodgrass' Jr. High team completely scraped and primed the outside of the Jones' home. At Paul Esfeller's home, the windows are being trimmed and the walls are being painted. This is just a little bit of all the projects that the teams worked away at over the week.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Faces to names

Here's the NDR Bayou La Batre Team...

Charles Martin, Tim & Danielle Whetstone, Jordan Mitchell, Jesse Waskau, and Ryan Knapp

Friday, June 16, 2006


In the Bayou this week of June 11 were volunteer teams from all over America. They drove in from Denver, Indianapolis, and Kansas. The craftsmen (and women) helped us get over some pretty big challenges we were facing in some homes on Davenport, Hemley, and Little River Road. Thanks so much!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Columbia, Kentucky, USA

The team from Columbia Kentucky worked in the Bayou during the first week of June. Even cooler, they ran a week-long vacation bible school program out of the Bayview Church of the Nazarene! They averaged over thirty children an evening, kids from many ethnicities and cultures attending. Pray that community reconciliation, healing, and unification may begin to take place through the children as they fellowship together as the VBS program is continued by other teams in the following weeks.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

AlaSouth Jr High NYI

The Alabama South Nazarene District NYI Junior High volunteer team was in the Mobile Bay region from May 30th through June 4th. The robust team of about 75 volunteers worked in homes in Bayou La Batre and on projects at the Grand Bay NDR volunteer facility and the Lighthouse Church of the Nazarene, a brand new Nazarene church in Daphne, Alabama. They were led by Wayne Shook and Allen Averette. It was a period of preparation and "sewing seeds" for the summer '06 season.